Favorite Family Quote

"You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them."
-Desmond Tutu

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Research that Benefits Children and Families—Uplifting Stories

Positive Parenting Research
 A positive example of the effects of research on children and families is positive parenting. If a child is brought up by parents that are caring, always positive, and nurturing, then I believe that the child will grow up the same. I say this because of experience of seeing it. My mother and my grandmother are the same exact way. My grandmother will do anything for anybody and so does my mother, no matter how bad they have been treated by that person or if they have been misused. Once a person use you more than one time and call only when they need something then it is time to let them go.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Your Personal Research Journal

Culture is a very broad topic. So as I was doing some research on it, I chose to narrow it down and talk about the impact of culture on education. Cultural tendencies impact the way children participate in education (Education, 2006). After working on the chart from the first week I learned how to pull apart a research paper by stating what the purpose of the paper and who and what was involved in the paper. So, as I begin to work on my own research paper, I want to learn some better websites that I can possibly use to make my research more credible.

Education. (2006). The impact of culture on education. Retrieved from http://www.education.com/reference/article/impact-culture-education/