Favorite Family Quote

"You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them."
-Desmond Tutu

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Child Development and Public Health

The public health topic I chose and thought was very meaningful was that of access to healthy water. I thought that this topic was very meaningful because it is something that we use everyday in life. Water is pretty much one of the main sources in life that we need to survive. We use water to cook, clean, bathe, and also to drink. Water is the main supplier to our body needs and for use in everyday life.

The country I chose was Sudan. In the country of Sudan there is only one source of supply for them to get water. Although this is the only source of supply it is still not healthy and clean to drink. So, the Republic of Sudan calls on the world to come together to create safer drinking water more readily available to all of Africa, and the entire world.

The information that I have learned may impact my work in a great deal of ways. One way that having access to healthy water may impact my work in the future because I will need to make sure that I keep the children I'm working with hydrated. They must stay hydrated since they like to run around and play all day. Teach and show them that it is important to make sure they know the importance of accessing healthy water.


  1. Great post I never really thought how important it was for children to drink water. I know i try to drink a lot when loosing weight or just to rehydrate myself but never thought of a child needing water like that thanks for the information and the eye opener

  2. I have always taken clean drinking water for granite, and now I know that I should not. We are fortunate to have this clean source of water. I am wondering how the Republic of Sudan plans on bringing safer water to their people and to all of Africa. I would hope that soon this issue is taken care of and everyone has the same opportunities in life to be healthy.

  3. Myisha,

    Interesting post, you really got me thinking how can we teach children the importance of clean water and drinking water? I have to admit that I usually take a Tupperware water bottle with iced tea in it (which is not setting a good example). While I will still have my iced tea for lunch, I may have to start taking in water bottles too so the children I teach can not only hear me talk about the importance of drinking water but see me drinking water. When teaching preschool children, sometimes actions speak louder than words.
