Favorite Family Quote

"You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them."
-Desmond Tutu

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Getting to Know Your International Contacts-Part 2

          The new insights and information that I've gained from the Harvard website was that the organization is launching its first major programmatic effort outside the United States. I thought that this fact was interesting because I never really heard about organizations taking their organizations outside of the United States if they developed it in the United States. Most organizations that I hear of normally develop them in other countries to help children out.

When humanitarian crises hit around the world, nongovernmental organizations rush into the fray, intensively focused on urgent survival needs, not necessarily on longer-term impacts that may take an even greater toll on the country and its citizens (Center on Developing Child, 2012). I love the fact of how these nongovernmental organizations rush to help out he needs of the children we they become impact when a crisis hits. It takes time for the regular government to go out  and help those in crisis so this is a really big positive thing that I believe is considered a great gesture.

Center on the Developing Child. (2012). Global children’s initiative. Retrieved from http://developingchild.harvard.edu/index.php/activities/global_initiative/


  1. Myisha,

    I noticed this article as well. I think it is very commendable of faculty member, Theresa Betancourt, to take this initiative to help beyond the initial help of crises-response organizations, and to help for the long-term. It is exciting to see global outreach such as these.

    Thanks for your post.

  2. I agree, I love the fact that an organization from the U.S. is helping in other countries. I also pray that maybe, while helping, they are able to learn and bring back methods and skills to help and better our educational practices.

  3. Myisha you have a great point. I agree that it take the government a while to respond to a crisis. It was intersting to learn how other countries help children in the time of need.
