Favorite Family Quote

"You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them."
-Desmond Tutu

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Getting Ready—E stablishing Professional Contacts and Expanding Resources

didn't get to far just yet int establishing communication because I had to use the alternate assignment. So I have to wait on a response from the websites that I chose to get in contact with. I sent them an email since I don't have a way of calling them. 

I ended up choosing the World Forum Foundation. I chose to pick this organization because I like the fact that they deal with diversity and want to help in spreading ideas and giving help to children who are in need and that are of a different diversity.

The first thing I did  to locate and contact the two professionals, was first I looked on the website and then after I looked at the recommended websites, I sent them an email so I can keep in contact with them for the upcoming blog assignments and to learn more about there programs and to see what its like and do they enjoy doing what they do.

I really don't have any helpful tips that I can share with my colleagues. 
I would like to know what are some things that my colleagues are looking forward to learning from this assignment.             


  1. Myisha,
    My experience with this assignment was very similar to yours. I hope you are able to contact others and learn of their expertise and what is going on in child development around the world. I look forward to learning of other's experiences.Thank you for your post.

  2. Hi Myisha, I really enjoyed reading your post. Hopefully you hear back from your contacts soon, they sound interesting. Hope to hear more!

  3. Hello Myisha I also used a organization from the course. I am using email to make contact with some professional and I hope to hear from someone soon. I hope everything goes ok with your contacts.

  4. Myisha,

    This is my 2nd time beginning this course. I had to drop after the 1st week when I was going through this before. I, too, had to choose the alternate assignment the first time. I would definitely encourage you to contact more than one site from our resource list. I would also list at least three choices you had contacted in order of whom you are most interested in. That way, you aren't rushing around trying to complete the assignment that is dependent upon that contact.

    What I'm hopeful in learning more about through this assignment is not only an intimate knowledge of the organization's website I selected, but also collaboration and team working, networking and supporting of my colleagues in class. :)

  5. Hi Myisha,

    I also making contacts through several resources from the websites. I am still waiting for responses. Fortunately, I discovered that two of my teaching colleagues had connections overseas. I also learned from Audrey Mewborn that she made contacts through her church. I now have a contact in Australia and maybe one from Korea. I am sure you will hear from or find one soon. I also became a member of the NAEYC as a future resource.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Cindy Rube

  6. I think that with this assignment, I am looking forward to gaining a better insight on how educational systems are managed in other areas. I chose to reach out to the school administrations in Jamaica. My husband and I took our honeymoon in Jamaica, and one of the places that I had to go to was their schools. I truly had a blast! I would have rather stayed in the schools all day than been on the beach! (I promise) It was very interesting to me when the gentlemen giving us our tour told us how the children only attended school half a day, and in some areas only certain days of the week, due to over crowding. I just think it would be interesting to see how they do things there, and still experience success with their children.
